Alfred Hitchcock Estate


The Estate of Alfred Hitchcock needed a digital home that could serve as both a space for the fans to explore and a dynamic showcase for ongoing projects. Their existing website was rigid and unable to keep up with the Estate’s evolving needs.


We have researched Hitchcock's style and tried to apply the same underlying principles in website design. We began by curating visuals from across Hitchcock's career, not only from his work but also peeking into his private life.

The structure has 5 major branches: Live, where we've developed a comprehensive bio timeline that highlights key stages of the director's life; Work, with a complete filmography, providing a reference for fans; In The Media, where we feature Hitchcock's appearances as well as movies produced about him; Hitchcock Brand, serving to host the ongoing projects and useful information for potential licensing collaborations; and Store with the merchandise we developed for the Estate.

We've planted a few Easter eggs for fans to discover throughout the site. Like a "dark mode" feature that applies a red filter to all images — a nod to a visual effect Hitchcock employed in films such as "Marnie". Another one reveals film posters when clicking on stills in the filmography. Notice in the footer that original Hitchcock quotes change on every page refresh, adding a subtle inobtrusive dark humor note.

The technical backbone of the site is Squarespace — the platform that allows for easy content updates and guarantees the reliability of the website for decades to come.


We chose fonts that nod to Hitchcock's films while keeping the text easy to read. For headlines, we picked Clarendon and Alternate Gothic – the same fonts from Vertigo's opening credits. This ties the site directly to Hitchcock's work. The main text uses Geometric Slabserif. It looks a bit like old movie script fonts, but it's clearer to read on screens. We wanted the site to feel both classic and modern.

From Patrick Griffin

Alternate Gothic ATF
Fom American Type Founders Collection


As part of the project, we developed merchandise for fans. We created designs for sweatshirts featuring Hitchcock photography as well as towels branded with the Bates Motel logo from "Psycho".